Thursday, August 17, 2006


In the exercise we did in class, it covers three big issues in psychology: "rational vs. irrational", "change vs. stability" and "nature vs. nurture". The prediction of my believes were mostly contradicting to the result. I have said before that people are irrational, changes, and developed through nurture. However, after calculated the results, I found that my believes were actually very odd. My scores showed that I think people are irrational (the only one that was well predicted), mot of the time changes, and more or less developed by nature. Although none of my scores were obviously strong, the results were quite unexpected. I did this exercise considering people around me, how they change or whether or not they do and why. I believe people are irrational because some times we can't come up with an explanation of why we do the certain things that we do. We change because we learn through our mistakes as well as other people's mistakes and adapt to each situations and society. A shy person as a child can become a confident person as an adult.

The last idea which contradicted to my previous thought is the "nature vs. nurture". I believe that environments and surroundings do have influences upon a person's behavior, more specifically a child. However, I do believe that some abilities were passed on through genetics. For instance, talents: a person does not develop a talent but instead, had it since birth. I feel that there is a confusion in my thinking abilities.


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